Minggu, 28 September 2014

Lowongan Kerja Haldin Pacific Semesta

Haldin serves the needs of the food and beverage, flavor and fragrance, health food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries with locally sourced and processed products supplied in five key product groups: Tea and Coffee Extracts; Specialty and Functional Ingredients; Essential Oils; Vanilla and Cocoa Extracts; and Natural Sweeteners. Haldin operates two manufacturing plants in Indonesia focusing primarily on liquid and powder extraction. The largest, and newest, of the facilities in Indonesia uses state of the art continuous extraction to produce top note Essence, Liquid Extract, and high quality agglomeration spray dried products, with an annual capacity of more than 2,000 tons. Read more »

Lowongan Kerja : www.bilaboong.com | Facebook : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjX | Twitter : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjZ

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