PT Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia was established based upon the Law No. 8/1995 concerning the Indonesian Capital Market to provide for regulated, appropriate, and efficient clearing services and transaction settlement guarantee. KPEI was established as a Limited Liability Company by the Deed of Establishment No. 8 on August 5th, 1995 in Jakarta by PT Bursa Efek Indonesia, with ownerships are 100% of the promoter total shares valued at Rp 15 billion IDR. KPEI was granted the status of the Legal Entity on September 24th, 1996 legalization of the Ministerial of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia. Two years afterwards, dated on June 1st, 1998, the corporations was granted the commercial permit to operate as a Clearing and Guarantee Institution based on the Bapepam Decision Letter No. Kep-26/PM/1998. Read more »
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