Minggu, 01 Februari 2015

Lowongan Kerja Gudang Garam

Gudang Garam cigarette company is one of the leading companies within the cigarette industry in Indonesia that has been established since 1958 in the town of Kediri, East Java. Until now, Gudang Garam has widely known both domestically and abroad as a producer of high quality kretek clove cigarettes. Gudang Garam products can be found in many varieties, ranging from SKL (sigaret kretek klobot or corn husk-wrapped clove cigarettes), SKT (sigaret kretek linting tangan or hand-rolled clove cigarettes, up to SKM (sigaret kretek linting mesin or machine-rolled clove cigarettes). For the true clove cigarettes lovers, we are committed to provide an outstanding experience in enjoying kretek clove cigarettes made ​​from high-quality materials. Read more »

Lowongan Kerja : www.bilaboong.com | Facebook : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjX | Twitter : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjZ


Lowongan Kerja Agansa Primatama

PT. Agansa Primatama established in 1994 has emerged as one of the most competent, modern, growth oriented and well established textile machinery, accessories and spare parts agency in Indonesia and represent a number of world's leading textile engineering and machenery manufactures from Europe, Japan as well the United States. The company is professionally managed and supported by qualified and capable employees in a sustainable and innovative way. We had focused our business to understand the needs from our customer as well with our principals which allows our company to gain a full confidence from our customer and principals. Read more »

Lowongan Kerja : www.bilaboong.com | Facebook : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjX | Twitter : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjZ


Lowongan Kerja AJB Bumiputera 1912

Asuransi Jiwa Bersama Bumiputera 1912 is a financial institution based in Indonesia involved in life insurance. AJB Bumiputera 1912 is the oldest and largest Insurance company in Indonesia. AJB Bumiputera 1912 originally named Onderlinge Levensverzekering PGHB Maatschappij (OL Mij. PGHB) was established in 1912 and founded by M. Ng. Dwidjosewojo. Now, AJB Bumiputera 1912 was supported by 576 office networks, more than 3000 employees and serve more than 9.6 millions costumers throughout Indonesia Read more »

Lowongan Kerja : www.bilaboong.com | Facebook : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjX | Twitter : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjZ


Lowongan Kerja Verentia Inti Cipta Alami

PT. Verentia Inti Cipta Alami, perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Natural Food Ingredients dan Nutraceuticals. Dengan pengalaman selama 10 tahur customer kami adalah Industri makanan minuman dan Farmasi ternama di Indonesia seperti Kalbe Group (Kalbe Farma, Sanqhianq Perkasa. Bintanq Toedioe), Oranq Tua Group. Sido muncul, dan Iain-lain. Read more »

Lowongan Kerja : www.bilaboong.com | Facebook : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjX | Twitter : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjZ


Lowongan Kerja Industri Nuklir Indonesia (Persero)

PT Industri Nuklir Indonesia (Persero) formerly known as PT Batan Teknologi (Persero) become the only national company endow with capabilities for producing a wide range of nuclear products, as well as, providing services in nuclear technology application. Combining this capacity with a strong support from Industri Nuklir Indonesia, the Company has been successfully serving national demand for nuclear products and services for both medical and industrial uses, as well as for R & D purposes. As a consequences of choosing nuclear industry as the main area of business PT. Industri Nuklir Indonesia (Persero) has the responsibility to implement all applied nuclear regulation and procedures to meet a stringent requirement to nuclear safety. Together with certified quality procedures practiced at all level, Company operation, they give a guarantee of safe, reliable quality products and services to the customers. Read more »

Lowongan Kerja : www.bilaboong.com | Facebook : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjX | Twitter : http://ift.tt/1hfoHjZ

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